"Plenty of people miss their share of happiness, not because they
never found it, but because they didn't stop to enjoy it."
-- William Feather
Found a picture on Google images to use- and ironically it came from a post from someone else posting about the benefits of retirement. How cool. Here is a post comment from" Joe's Retirement Blog." I am exceedingly grateful for the good fortune to find Joe's blog.
Joe's Retirement Blog: Retirement
For example, these flowers were on a highway median, so I parked the car and got out and wandered around. "CAUTION! - old man in hat beside roadway behaving unpredictably."
One of the best things about retirement is that I am rarely in a rush to get somewhere - I can usually take the time to randomly stop and observe or make note of something beautiful about our world - I like that. After a lifetime of having to "be somewhere," it is wonderfully freeing to not have to be "scheduled" all the time anymore.
Well said.
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