Monday, August 27, 2012

GRATITUDE - August 27, 2012


Now that I am retired, the possibilities for a great day, every day, not filled with someone else's drama, is definitely doable.

The obligations of my day is being the first one up, make breakfast for Lise and Sarah, make morning coffee and lunch for Lise and carpool Sarah and her friend to high school.  Love it, I am up and awake ... it is only  7:55 a.m. and I have the whole day as I wish - every day.

Today, I came home had a second cup of coffee and sat out on my rear deck, reorganized my tool shed and worked on my Sunset Gardens quality backyard.  The last days of my job, filled my life so completely, Jumanji had taken over and it was a bit of a jungle....both fountains are working, flowers and crepe myrtles blooming...really nice  - my resort.

Then I headed to the movie theater for my early-showing, senior-discount deal.  Watched a bang-em-up/shoot-em-up movie (The Expendables2) in high def, big screen and VERY LOUD - just the way that is frowned upon at home with the girls pleading with me to put in my hearing aids and close the doors, turn the volume down and pull my chair up close, so it doesn't vibrate the house... I loved it and the other seven old guys in the theater didn't complain one bit.

Out to lunch and then to the gym.  Worked out a bit on weights, bike and treadmill, swam in both indoor and outdoor lap pools, used the sauna and the steam room, finished off with the massage jets in the hot tub.

Headed home again, made giant fruit smoothie and broke out the git and practiced for an hour or so for my upcoming live recital in September.  Made early dinner for Sarah and Lise (Sarah off to ballet and Lise off to orchestra rehearsal) and back to the house for more practice (six songs committed to memory this time)...check emails etc. and pretty much wraped up a grand day.

Think I will try it again tomorrow (have my first meet with my new personal trainer at the gym)...I suppose it could get better, but I am not quite sure how...


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